October 22, 2004

You Might Be A Geek Part 2

Okay, I ran a few of these a while back here. With 11 or so days before Bush is re-elected president in a hitherto unknown landslide I feel it's about time we take a minute to sit back and laugh at ourselves. So without further adeu:

If you wish car stereos took USB Flash drives...You might be a geek. (rince and repeat)

If you quote Office Space more than Pricess Bride or The Holy Grail...

If you quote Princess Bride or The holy Grail...

If you own a red swingline stapler...(I've got one at work.)

If you signed any of the reinstate Farscape petitions...

If you walk past the phone book to look up a phone number on the computer...

If you can't remember how to spell a word you walk past the dictionary to google it...

If your Heroes for Bush character ever used a laser gun or slayed a vampire...

If something really cool just happened and you have to tell someone so you run to your computer...

If your computer crashes and you roll over to your backup computer to finish what you were doing while you rebuild it...(Doing that right now.)

If people use you to clarify technical details of Star Trek, Star Wars, Farscape, SG-1, etc...

If you speak to your friends in Star Wars terms. I.E. Help me Obi Wan your my only hope...

If you knew about JibJab before the elections...

If your vanity plate has a geek term on it...(try a couple)

If you can't wait for that new game to come out so you can steal it off the net...

If you've ever done more Chrismas shopping online than offline...

If you bought a data interface cable for your cell phone before you bought the car charger...

If you measure a man's worth by the size of his USB stick...

If you know who the author of Wizardry for the Apple II+ was...(special thanks to Steve)

If you know what an Apple II+ or a Commodore-64 is...

That's all for today. I need to work on my system rebuild. I'm sure more will follow...

Posted by aakaakaak at October 22, 2004 10:48 PM
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