November 24, 2004

Published Editorials Vol. 1: Getting Started

I have sent out my first editorial to real live newspapers today. It took me about three days but with gentle coaxing (see: swift kick in the butt) Jane, the great and wonderful, editorally published, blogmother of mine, I have sent out my first requests for publication. As with just about everything I get into, I probably over did it with who I sent this out to. The list is bordering on spam. I stopped sending out requests around 3 AM so you kind of get the idea how much I've been spamming people.

The next time I do this it won't be so difficult. The real time consumer is getting a list of editors to e-mail. For the states it wasn't that difficult. Jane came through with a quick and dirty list of the top 100 newspapers in the united states here. So that's the American newspapers. I haven't been able to find an easy online list of e-mail addresses yet. I'll work on it later. The arab news agencies were a bit more difficult to hunt down. Again, I can't find a direct e-mail list and some of them required you to register before they would accept your work through a proprietary system. So here's the lists I sent this out to including e-mail addresses (just so it's easier for anyone else that wants to write editorials.):

These Papers recieved the "Muslim Safe" version
Arab News:
Yemen Times:
The Daily Star:
Arab Times:
Al Hurra:
Gulf daily News:
Gulf Times:
Iran Weekly Press Digest:
Ajeeb! (proprietary system)
Al-Jazeera (English) (Proprietary system, I know they'll never take it but why not?) (You must register first and use their system but it's been successful for Jane.)
Reuters (this will eventually go on the online non-muslim list)

These papers recieved the original text found here.
The Wall Street Journal:
USA Today:
New York Times:
LA Times:
Washington Post:
Daily News (New York):
Chicago Tribune:
Newsday (Long Island):
Houston Chronicle:
Dallas Morning News:
Bellingham Herald: (look for it mom)
Virginia Pilot: (my local paper, proprietary system)
Army Times (proprietary)
Navy Times (Proprietary)
Marine Corps Times (Proprietary)
Air Force Times (Proprietary)

I separated these by American and Muslim safe. Muslim papers are not allowed to print things that disrespect in any form the muslim religion. Simple demographics themselves can disrespect the muslim religion. The fact that the majority of militant islamists are Shiites could get me killed if I quoted this truth in thr wrong place, publicly. I had forgotten about this but once again, Jane reminded me.

So here I am, waiting and hoping that someone will put me in lights. You can wish me luck if you like but you should congratulate Jane for clearing the way. She's been published on at least 25 articles. Go see for yourself.

Now that's seven links in one article for Jane...make that eight. You could say I'm rather thankful of her patience and assistance.

Posted by aakaakaak at November 24, 2004 03:42 AM
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