September 04, 2006

Politically Apathetic

Yep, that's just about where I am right now. I'm politically apathetic. I just find it so stupid, or political system. We make these imaginary lines about what classifies you as a democrat or republican. We're told what we're supposed to think by politicians on both sides of the fence that could care less about anybody but themselves. We're then told to shun the people that don't think the same way we do. We treat them as outcasts in their own country. Is this how we're supposed to treat our fellow Americans? No, it's not.

Sure, I'm probably going to get flamed from friends and enemies alike for this, but it's not simply one party that's killing America. It's this notion that one party is any better than the other. It's the constant fighting between the parties that are tearing us apart. It's the opportunity to "one-up" the opposing party that destroys bills that should have been instituted to help people, to save lives. Yep, there I said it. political devisiveness kills people.

It's not about taking a stand for what you believe in. I've seen people that take a stand for what they believe in. What I see every day in politics is not it. It's political followership. When one party looks at the other and calls them sheeple they're right. Both parties are full of sheeple that don't think for themselves. It's sad really. Half the time they don't even realize they're being led by the pied piper of politics. They just do what they're told they think is right.

In reality America is somewhere in the middle of where politics puts its line. Most of us just want a rational compromise that makes sense. We don't want compromise that completely destroys the purpose behind the legislation. We want compormise that is actually thought out as acceptible for Americans. We could care less what the parties think.

So, what am I saying? I'm saying the political arena has put such a bad taste in my mouth that I shy away from blogging so I don't have to see the complete idiocy of it all. It disgusts me to see people so bent on the destruction of the other party that they don't understand that they're wishing ill on their fellow Americans. Hell, maybe I'm more idealistic than either party, but I believe in a different America. I believe in an America where Americans can work together, not blacks and whites, or Republicans or Democrats, or even Vegans and Carnivores. To repeat a phrase, "We need to hang together or we will all hang separately."

Posted by aakaakaak at September 4, 2006 04:37 PM | TrackBack

Jeremy, we are uniters not dividers. But those in elected power (which makes it our fault) are hunter-gatherers, and their prey is power. Demican or Republicrat, it almost doesn't matter.

Posted by: Brodie at September 4, 2006 09:51 PM

Do we really have any choice on who we vote for though? Is there some mystical third choice out there that actually gives a shit about what we say? Where's our Ross Perot that doesn't remind me of a Feringhi from Star Trek?

We're screwed either way we look at it. There is no "people's choice". The only choice you get is either a jackass or the elephant in the room.

Posted by: Jeremy H. Bol at September 5, 2006 01:14 AM

I agree....the choice isn't always our's to make. We're GIVEN a choice then we are expected to sucks.

Posted by: Raven at September 7, 2006 07:15 AM

Hello! Good Site! Thanks you!

Posted by: ptgyiiegcg at February 29, 2008 05:12 AM
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