July 25, 2007

Ideas for Iraq

Someone asked me what my ideas were on Iraq. What would I change? How would I fix things if I were in charge? Well, first off I wouldn't be blamestorming about who's fault it is. If you'd like to blame me or Bush or Clinton or Michael Vick then you've come to the wrong place. I'm presenting new ideas I haven't seen discussed anywhere else. If they've already been proposed before then great, let me know. If they won't work tell me why and how you'd do it differently. Saying an idea sucks with no solution is worse than saying nothing at all. I'm trying to start ideas, not stop them.

Okay, so what's victory again? We hear it said all the time like some sort of mantra, but what does it really mean? What is victory in Iraq? To me victory in Iraq would be for the Iraqi government to be self sufficient, capable of withstanding overthrow, capable of preventing the spread of terrorism and become a respectable neighbor country in the international community. I do not expect it to become the pinnacle of democracy in the Middle East. I do not expect it to become violence free. As long as it becomes capable of supporting iteslf and not becoming the next great threat of anyone I'd be happy. Sure, a complete secular government similar to Turkey would be nice, but I wouldn't get my hopes up that Sharia won't have at least some foothold in the country. As long as their not killing Jews in the streets or having public execution of gays I think they'll be on the path to becoming a good country. That would be victory to me.

Now before people come out of the woodwork and attack me for beings some sort of Bush croney for wanting victory let me ask you a question. Do you like losing? Are you such a defeatist that you like walking with your tail between your legs apologizing to every man, woman, child and household pet for what somebody else did? Neither do I. I don't consider myself a loser. I'm not stupid either. I know men and women are dying in Iraq and every one of them shakes me. It's not an easy thing to swallow. It is, however, a fact that we must live with and work to change.

So how do we get there? What will get us from the current state of affairs to "claiming victory"? There are several methods we can use and I know I don't have all the answers. I have ideas of what could be done though. I have lots of ideas. Whether they'll work or not are a different story. If anyone makes the effort to put these forward we'll see if they work. And, at least we'll have tried.

A Timeline for Withdrawal
So the biggest debate right now is about how we can get out of Iraq without causing the destruction of the fragile Iraqi government and with the smallest body count. Democrats talk about how we need to make an immediat pull out and some go as far as saying they don't care how many Iraqis die as long as no more Americans do. The other mindset states that we won't pull out until we're good and ready. We won't pull out until victory and the president will decide when that is. I say we let the Iraqi government decide when we leave. It's their country, right? If we don't let them decide on a timeline we truely are occupiers.

Now something that hasn't picked up much press is the Iraqi bill currently on the table in the Iraqi government to standardize a timetable for American withdrawal from Iraq. If you don't believe me check out the article from the Washington Post. This bill, started by the party of Muqtada Al-Sadr, asks for the gradual pull-out of American forces but as of yet is not fully supported by parliament because provisions for the build-up of the Iraqi military are not included. All three sectarian factors agree on a pullout being required, but they do not agree on when or how. It's just a matter of time until they iron out their own plan for their own country. To go against the wishes of the Iraqi government would make us the occupiers many claim us to be. Put Iraq in the hands of Iraqis.

If we really wanted to make a difinitive American plan for the complete pullout of American forces it should be tied directly to what the Iraqis want. If I were an innovative Republican Congressman or Senator this would be the type of bill I'd be trying to push through. It is not a "compromise between parties", but a winning solution to a losing argument.

The Making of an Army
The biggest, most stupidest thing done in this Iraqi war was dissolving the standing Iraqi military. That single act effectively made over a million militarily trained Iraqis free agents to anybody with a paycheck to offer. I doubt we'd be in the same situation we are tooday if they'd have been able to keep the standing Iraqi army. Great job Mr. Paul Bremer. You deserve a health kick in the nuts.

Fortunately, not all of them decided to take their paychecks from terrorists. Some got regular jobs and others, with the increased need to secure their own communities, formed militias. It is these militias we need to support. They're the ones protecting the Iraqi communities when the regular army isn't available. They are an excellent means of keeping the peace in an area if used properly. They're the ones that live in the region. They are the ones that know the area and the people. They know who belongs and who doesn't. We need to regularize them.

Yes, I know there's widespread corruption and some of these militias have become little better than street gangs. They are, however, trained guns that can be turned into something more than they are. They can be turned into local, well trained soldiers. Of course, instanly regularizing a bunch of hired guns won't make them better people overnight. It'll take time to reign them all in. Giving them someone to answer to, paying them for good service and paying them more for getting "official military training" are all means for decriminalizing these militias. They can gradually be turned into local forces with the ability to quickly root out the people that want to cause problems.

Winning the Hearts and Minds
The way things stand it really doesn't look like Iraqis like Americans in the least. They've been given no reason to respect us save by the barrel of a gun. There are several programs to build schools and cure disease. We are doing things for the Iraqi people but the standard person doesn't always see that. We need to be doing much better at promoting the good things we do. What we think of as good and positive things don't always translate well when being shown to the locals.

Once thing I believe Iraqis understand is death and martyrdom. I hear it all the time. This muslim died and became another martyr. This kid blew himself up and became another martyr. Well, aren't all the American soldiers giving their lives for the Iraqi people martyrs as well? Couldn't we try and present them as such? Sergeant John Smith gave his life so you wouldn't have to live under the rule of terrorists. Private Steve Jones gave his life so your sons and daughters could get a good education. Gunny Phillip Zarnowski, the Jew, gave his life so you could prey to Allah in peace. We should be glamorizing what each person did to help Iraq. If we don't I fear their deaths are celebrated as yet another dead infidel.

Help Me Help You!
I don't have all the answers. I don'tt doubt there are some fatal flaws to some of my ideas. However, that is all they are. They are ideas that have not been acted upon. I'm sure you have your own and would love to hear them. If something I've said won't work please let me know and what can be done better. If we don't get the conversation going for new and real ideas nobody else will.

Posted by aakaakaak at July 25, 2007 01:19 PM | TrackBack

"Democrats talk about how we need to make an immediate pull out"

I don't see that. I see proposals for phased withdrawal over time.

"some go as far as saying they don't care how many Iraqis die as long as no more Americans do"


"The biggest, most stupidest thing done in this Iraqi war was dissolving the standing Iraqi military . . . Great job Mr. Paul Bremer. You deserve a health kick in the nuts"


"They're the ones protecting the Iraqi communities when the regular army isn't available"

Unfortunately, they are also the ones protecting their own sect while cleansing neighborhoods of rivaling sects.

"They know who belongs and who doesn't"

They think so, indeed. As far as "regularizing them" goes, well . . . "Giving them someone to answer to" is a tough nut to crack, seeing that they (Sunni) will have to "answer to" their Shiite betters.

One thing I would like to see happen is that at least part of all of the billions going to American contractors for reconstruction and logistics going instead to Iraqi contractors. These guys know the lay of the land, know the local officials, and know the customs. They would be cheaper, more effective, and better for PR. They would also provide local jobs that we are now importing.

Posted by: PW at July 25, 2007 11:05 PM

I guess now you have a dilemma Jeremy.

You can:

A) Call "uncle" and realize that it is possible to have a legitimate, thoughtful discussion with someone you don't like (and recognize that the number of ISP's out there may as well be infinite).


B) Ban (again) the person that appears to be your only interested reader (knowing that ban is futile).

Your call.

Posted by: PW at August 1, 2007 10:11 PM

You can realize that every time you've posted it's taken me several days, weeks to post again. Think it's coincidence? It's not. You're still not civil. You're an asshole about stuff. I don't like you. You refuse to go away. So, Option three:

I quit.

Posted by: Jeremy H. Bol at August 2, 2007 06:14 AM

I comment as "Nobody" and you can engage me in civilized conversation. I comment as "PW" and now suddenly I'm too "uncivil" to engage.

I don't think the problem is mine here, Jeremy. Note: My opinions did not change, only my moniker did.

Quit if you want. Hell, I already have. In fact, if you can't handle a little critique you probably should. But don't blame it on me.

If you want to keep posting and just can't handle it, let me know and I'll switch back to "Nobody". No harm, no foul.

It has to be sad for you to realize that your loyal reader was in fact your nemesis, though. You have my sympathy.

There I go being an "asshole about stuff" again, sorry.

If it makes you feel better, my wife left me and is now fucking her co-star from her last show. In my house. Probably right now.

Posted by: PW at August 2, 2007 09:57 PM

If this were the physical world and you kept returning to my doorstep after I told you to leave I would file a restraining order against you. On the web no such medium exists. My only recourse against you is to leave and start somewhere else. This blog has long since been dead so I'll tell you what I think about you and be done with it.

You are an e-stalker. I think you are a bad person at heart that doesn't know when to leave well enough alone. I really don't think you've ever given a shit about me or what I think. You've only thought about yourself and your own amusement your entire life. I think you are a selfish, mean spirited, irrisponsible failure of society that has no redeeming qualities whatsoever.

I'm sure you're going to have a clever retort, debasing me in your own special way. But know this, you have been a contributor to my current depression. Your continued insults on a plethora of topics aggrivates me and causes me more stress than I should be dealing with.

I'm not going to wish you died or that god does something horrible to you. You've already done that to yourself. You're a bad person inside, dark and rotted.

Now, I'll be turning off the internals of this site tonight so that I can stop getting those blasted reports about more free porn and the occasional morale crusher from Mr. PW. Once I get the motivation again I'll probably start up again on another site that me e-stalker doesn't know about. Until then you can kindly fuck off. You've shit on my life enough as it is.

Posted by: Jeremy H. Bol at August 3, 2007 05:19 PM

"You are an e-stalker"

Nah, I just get your RSS feed on Bloglines and respond when I think I have something to say. If you had not banned me, I would probably have lost interest long ago.

Posted by: PW at August 4, 2007 11:24 AM
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