September 16, 2006

An Exercise in Tolerance.

Okay Christians, here you go. Here's your chance to burn down buildings, murder people, blow things up and finish it all off with week long protests burning random stuffed dolls in effigy.


Yep, any time now you're going to go postal.....

Okay, so you need a bit of time to prepare. I understand. I'll wait...

Still not going crazy?

Didn't think so.

I guess these people don't understand what "religion of peace" is supposed to mean.

I really wouldn't have backed The Pope's statement, but seeing how they react when they're called a religion of Muslim murderers I can't help but change my mind. If everything that is being done over the cartoon and The Pope's comments are how they present Islam they truly are a religion of hate and destruction. There is absolutely no excuse for this.

For those out there that want to tell me, "No! Muslims are not all bad! We're just getting a bad rep from a few bad people!" I'm calling bullshit. It's your fucking religion. Do something to fix it! I haven't heard of a single Imam speaking out against the violence outside the United States and other "civilized" nations. They don't dare. They would be killed. Face the facts please.

The worst thing you're going to do is burn a candle for me, isn't it?

Posted by aakaakaak at September 16, 2006 01:54 PM | TrackBack

Amen Brother........oops

Posted by: Billy Budd at September 16, 2006 07:09 PM

Great post Jeremy.
I doubt these people will ever see the light. Their religion of hatred and violence is very deeply ingrained beginning when they are still infants. It is as natural to them as breathing.
Unfortuantely, without some powerful spiritual intervention of the 'Jehovah God' kind, I see no way to share planet earth with these people.
It will be them or us.

Posted by: Mountian Mama at September 18, 2006 02:08 PM

I guess it's easy for me to laugh because we all know the cartoon depicts something that isn't true... on the other hand, Islamofascists have no room to laugh. Sucks to be them.

Posted by: Ma r t i n @ b l o g b a t at September 23, 2006 10:52 PM

Jeremy, I'm so enraged right now I really hope Jesus will slay them in the Spirit and forgive them their trespasses. Outrage.

Posted by: Brodie at September 28, 2006 06:17 AM
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