January 04, 2007

What the Hell are We Doing in Iraq?

Okay, so here's the deal. For those that have read my blog and actually miss my writing I need to confess. I've been sucked into an evil addiction known as World of Warcrack. I did my best to hide from the stupid people who run our country. I delved into a fantasy world that has nothing to do with Iraq or politics or Nanci Pelosi's hostile takeover of the House of Representatives. Well, Saddam was hanged and this thread showed up on my realm forums. Of course, being the kind of guy I am, I get involved, despite trying to hide from the lobotomy called politics. From here I feel the need to explain to the lefty whack-jobs as well as the right-wing lunatics exactly what's going on. I needed to get political....I also needed to get the politics off of the gaming forums. (For those that are interested my toon name is Mootwo.)

So, the question of the day, year and possibly the millenium: What the hell are we doing in Iraq?

I was in the military at the time George W. Bush made the decision to go past Afghanistan and force regime change in Iraq. I remember it clearly. I was red-faced, screaming at the president through that little box called the television. He had the right goal in mind, proper authority and the need to do what was done, but he prefaced everything in absolutely the wrong context. He focused too heavily on the simple "He's got nu-cu-lar weapons, Dub-ya Em Dee". He completely failed to mention the use of gas, another WMD, his extreme support of terrorist groups and his blatant and almost daily violations of the no-fly zone. The no-fly-zone attacks for many countries would have been enough to attack on its own. Anyway, let me chronicle just this section of things:

  • The 9-11 commission stated directly that the terrorists involved with 9-11 were not directly connected to Iraq in any way, shape or form. They further went on to mention there ARE DIRECT TIES BETWEEN SADDAM HUSSEIN AND AL QUEDA. Anybody that makes the jump from involved with 9-11 to Al Queda related fails at the English language and needs to be forced to go through high school again.

  • There were suppressed reports of a Russian convoy headed from Iraq to Syria. It was further speculated that WMD, both nulcear and chemical, were being shipped out of Iraq for safe keeping. There has never been any direct answer from anyone as to whether the related imagery is what some people determined it to be....of if it ever really happened. Relations wise with Russia, it would be a good plan to keep quiet about it because Russia is having enough of its own problem without accusing them of aiding the enemy. That would just be bad for business politically.

  • There is a document that highlights several points for going to war with Iraq. It was submitted to congress, voted on and approved almost unanimously. Several politicians failed to read this document and therefore should have absolutely no voice when speaking out about how they were hornswaggled. One particular individual admitting to not reading the document was everybody's hero Barbara Boxer.

  • Of the declarations in this document for war most of them have been verified and met. There has been documented genocide, documented chemical weapons, documented torture, documented biological weapons, documented attempts at restarting a nuclear program (Saddam's rail gun wasn't for shooting down no-fly-zone planes after all.) as well as other documented items that were not specifically highlighted by the president or the press. Since Dubya didn't focus on those things they weren't smoking guns....even though they were...which somehow makes him a liar and murderer for oil.
  • ...More to come. I'm taking a break and coming back to this. It's just a teaser right now...

    Posted by aakaakaak at 09:16 PM | Comments (1467) | TrackBack