April 30, 2005

Death by meme - A poets last cry

I damn near crapped myself when I found out I got double tagged for this particular meme twice before I could do anything about it. Since I got double tapped I get two verses! In addition I just got whacked with another meme about dissapointing my mom or something. Let me knock everything out in one post:

Turd in a punchbowl
floating around
Turd in a punchbowl
this meme must drown

Turd in a punchbowl
left by a llama
Turd in a punchbowl
I'm sorry mamma

okay, the poetry side is done. Now for the "me as a loser" portion:

First, this came from Jess over at LOSLI and LOSLI. I'm giving both sites because he's moving to Munuviana!

Okay, dissapointment to my parents:

If I could be a scientist…
I would get busted for having the biggest meth lab on the planet. Of course, I'd get released because I would have been smart enough to get a permit for meth so I could discover a new way to fuel the world's energy supply on the drug. Okay, yes, I sort of tweaked the one Jess had. I plaigiarized. HA! I bet I dissapointed me parents on THAT one!

If I could be a musician…
I'd start a death metal rap group. I'd have wicked deadly beats that kids would flock to and no parent on earth would want their kids to listen to it. Listen to the Linkin' Park - Jay-Z album and sort of consider those songs ballads. That's what I'd put out.

If I could be a doctor…
I'd get disbarred in every state because I'd end up cutting into patients for things llike a headache or menstrual cramps. I just have this weird fascination with blood...even if it's my own.

If I could be a painter…
I would starve to death. I really, really suck at painting. I couldn't even make it as a house painter I suck so bad. Don't believe me? Go ask my wife.

If I could be an innkeeper…
I'd spend all of my time blogging, the help would hate me and everything would run like a regular inn. I would really care less about anyone...and llamas. I'd have to have a llama petting zoo...maybe just alpacas, they're sooo much cuter.

Okay, the end of all three memes have come. Since each one gives out three links I get to push this to nine people. YES NINE SUCKERS GET THIS!

But wait, there's more: Since I was hit with three memes at the same time I believe I get the right to mutate the whole deal.

This is what I want all NINE of my victims to do:

I want you to write a poem. Free form doesn't count. I want you to be able to define your poem. Put verse to rhyme or other recognized structure. I'd like to see a freedom from free-form. We're all great writers here. This is a chance to showcase your talents. If you stick with the most simple (yet most difficult to do right) forms, the haiku, I want to see two and they better be done right...or I'll make you redo them. Yeah, I'm gonna be a pain that way.

To make this a proper meme I need to start this off with a poem of my own:

This poetry of blogging says alot.
It takes a soul with wit, and pompe and prose.
Simplicity is something it is not
It's hard to come out smelling like a rose

In every style of writing there's the snob
At every turn they cut your words to bits
They're seeking out your status for to rob
I'm sure you know they're nasty little shits.

Some think the best of blogging is to post
By looking through the blogosphere a while
The power gained is not with who has most.
It's gained by metering their class and style

Some think that controversy hits the mark
They scream at thier proponents "take him down!"
They may as well be writing for South Park
If something yells at nothing is there sound?

Once in a while you will see what I mean
Now go forth my victims and flesh out this meme.

The first four are Iambic Pentameter. The footer is dylactic. A good reference for knowing what I'm talking about is here

Now for the victims. Each one of these gets to send this to however many stanzas they wrote. For example, If this followed that pattern I would tag four bloggers because the last stanza is a fotter, not a full stanza.:
1. Mountain Mama at Holy Tornado because my grandma is where I got my ability for verse. You go grandma.
2. Jeff at Beautiful Atrocities. I don't know if Jeff would do this sort of thing, but I bet he'd rock at it.
3. Gordon at Cranky Neocon. He's got the skillz that pays da billz.
4. Anybody at Itsapundit. This is simply because the real Glenn Shady will not stand up.
5. Jane at Armies of Liberation. Simply because she needs a break from Yemen.
6. Steve over at ACB or Blithered simply because no other soul in the world is blogging at 3:30 in the morning. (He just left me a comment.)
7. Raven at And Rightly So because with a name like "Raven" she better have some wicked mad poetry skillz or I'll make sure Poe rolls over in his grave. (Plus, I owe her one for the cool TWA digs setup.)
8. Cao from, well..Cao's Blog because I think a little gaelic rhyme would be kickin'...if she can really brogue it up.
9. Last, but not least, Kender, from Kender's Musings needs to drop a turd in this punchbowl. Why? Well, because he's raw and unadulterated. I think that's cool.

Okay, I am done. If anyone else feels like they're in the mood just write one up anyway and sally forth from there. It's more fun that way.

Everyone, remember to please trackback or leave a comment on this post. Once you've completed, I'll put you in the list of poets.

Happy Memeing!

Posted by aakaakaak at 03:45 AM | Comments (13)

April 28, 2005

Hassan Akbar Sentenced To Death In GI Killings


Hassan Akbar, the Sgt. responsible for firing shots and discharging a grenade into the tent of his fellow soldiers has been sentenced to death for his crimes. It was reported that he gave no emotion to the verdict but stood at attention silently while it was read.

Just hours earlier Sgt. Akbar gave the only apology in the trial. He gave a barely audible and short apology and nothing more. It consisted of these words:

“I want to apologize for the attack that occurred. I felt that my life was in jeopardy, and I had no other options. I also want to ask you for forgiveness.”
The sentence is subject to automatic appeal. If he is executed it will be by lethal injection.

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

This post is also available at The Wide Awakes.

Posted by aakaakaak at 10:19 PM | Comments (10)

Yes, democrats love me!

Yes, Democrats love me!
Yes, Democrats love me!
Yes, Democrats love me!
The TV tells me so.

Go HERE and sing along if you know the words.

Oh yes, I'm blogrolling this one!

Posted by aakaakaak at 04:23 AM | Comments (8)

April 27, 2005


Okay, I admit it. I messed up on anniversary dates and now I have until Saturday to set everything up, including a gift. Yes, I'll be married for seven years on Saturday the 30th. Yes, I am just another guy that can't remember a date to save my life. Please help..

Okay, I know that the seven year is supposed to be the Copper or Wool anniversary. I have a penis and therefore not properly equiped to purchase any clothing for a woman, so the wool is pretty much out. The copper, on the other hand, revolves around pots and pans. Nothing says I love you more than a nice copper pot, right?..Okay, right, it says: "we've been married seven years and the only sentiment you can give me is GET BACK IN THE KITCHEN!".

Please help ladies.

I was thinking about taking her to the botanical gardens during the day, but I doubt I'll be able to take her anywhere. Is there a secret behind getting a woman off her butt to go somewhere?


This stuff really kills me....help.

Posted by aakaakaak at 06:23 PM | Comments (11)

California Legislator To Propose Numbering All Bullets

In an attempt to put forth further gun controls, California Senator Joe Dunn (D) will be proposing serial numbers be placed on all handgun bullets in California. The current gun companies’ argument into the case is that they would be unable to keep up with the needs for ammunition if a numbering system were to be implemented. They state that it would be tantamount to a ban on handgun ammunition altogether.

It is unclear if this legislation would carry over to a ban on individual bullet reloading or not.

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

This post is also available at The Wide Awakes.

Posted by aakaakaak at 04:07 AM | Comments (11)

The God tax - The play excerpt

This is a play rattling around in my head dealing with an over exaggeration of something called "The God Tax". It's a theoretical discussion by Democratic leaders attempting to do what Democrats are reviled most for: taxes. It's also not meant to be real. It's just a figment of my own imagination. However, if something similar to this happens in the future I reserve all rights to the phrase: "See? I told you so!"

Outside Ted Kennedy's mansion four black limos pull up and four suited figures, two men and two women (well one and a half women) arrive. They walk to the front door and are greeted by Ted who appears to have just gotten home himself as he has only just loosened his tie and, as the norm, a fresh scotch in his hand.

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

This post is also available at The Wide Awakes.

The figures, Hillary Clinton, John F. Kerry, Howard Dean and Barbara Boxer converse amongst each other jokingly as they walk towards the double doors. Ted beckons them inside, sloshing his drink on the marble floor. The politicians come in single file and Barbara slips on the newly formed wet spot on the floor. Ted, being remarkably quick, catches her by the butt with his free hand before any real harm is done. She looks at Teddy at first in shock and then to a bashful smile as his hand has yet to move from her backside. She politely removes his hand and they all continue on through the entryway.

Ted: Thank you all for coming. We'll have to move into the meeting room to continue our previous conversation. I had to hire some new help and don't really trust her yet.

Hillary: New help? What happened to Monica? Bill gave her rave reviews when she was in intern. It was rather unfortunate about those nasty lies that were spread about Bill. Did she just not work out?

Ted: She had a strange fear of cigars and had to leave. I just don't get it. Oh, well. Anyway, lets get moving.

[They stroll down the hall to a room with a heavy cherry wood door and continue through. They arrange themselves in silence around a round wooden table and sit back in their blush chairs. Ted has already finished his scotch and is fishing in the bar for some ice and more of the brown stuff.]

Ted: would anybody like anything while I'm over here?

John: Jack and Coke

Hillary: Tequila sunrise

Howard: Just a beer

Barbara: Could I get a Shirley Temple?

Ted: No Barb you may not. If you're going to play with the big dogs you need to learn how to drink a real drink. I'll get you a beer.

Ted: John, what was that again?

John: Rum and Coke

Ted: Wait, wasn't that a Jack and Coke before? Are you changing your mind on me?

John: Originally, I voted FOR Jack, but I didn't like the way the bottle looked so I then voted against it.

Ted: Just shut up John. You're getting a beer too. Hey Hill' we're out of Tequila. Remember you polished off the bottle last week? You want a scotch instead?

Hillary: Sure Ted, whatever's wet.

[The speaker box similar to the Charlie’s Angels one in the middle of the table lights up and a familiar voice comes on.]

George Sorros: Well, now that everyone's here and settled in lets get this little meeting started.

All: Hi Georgie!

George: I have a difficult task that I need you to get rolling on the Senate floor. I shouldn’t need to remind you about the contributions that have been made to your party, the new Democratic president and changing of the guard in the house and senate, but I feel it may stress the importance of the task at hand. Without these donations we would still be stuck under the iron rule of Republicans. Today the tables are turned and we have control.

George: The task I need you to push through the floor is a tax on God. I know this may sound a bit radical, but the constitution only mentions separating church and state, not taxing it. The word makes my associates a tad uncomfortable and would like a reduced usage on the word. We can’t ban God outright, but we can sure get it removed from texts and what can’t be removed can be heavily taxed. We can spin it by saying that it’s best to enact a “better separation”.

George: Tell the people that Christianity is an oppressive religion by nature, just like Islam. Compare the crusades to jihad and remind people how many people have been killed over religion. Just keep pushing it. The people are suckers for this stuff.

So, what can I bring back to the assisting parties from this to ease their troubled minds? They want results on this one. That whole universal health care shenanigan really torqued them off.

Barbara: The pledge will have to be changed immediately. Since we can’t tax the state we can’t say the “G” word in the pledge. I got an idea! We could replace the “G” word with Democracy so we get better name placement.

Ted: That’s an idea Barb. What else do we have? Howard, what’s on your mind?

Howard: This is our opportunity to change the way we do our time. We can get rid of Before Christ and After Death and replace it with the more atheist-friendly terms, Like Before…umm…Before…AH! Before Common Era! The other would change to just plain Common Era too.

Hillary: The idea of getting rid of the Christ stuff in time is good, but could you work on the new titles? They sound so stupid. You’ll have to work on it.

Hillary: Alright, I’ve got a doozey here. Since all of the paper money has “in ‘he who must not be named’ we trust” on it we could tax all hard American currency. Not only would we be able to collect an immense amount of tax money, but also we could push the initiatives to either go to a plastic society or to take the Euro as our own currency. The Euro doesn’t have that nasty “G” word on it. I’m sure many of our overseas associates would find that most pleasing. It will help us out as well. Since we raised taxes back to normal levels the U.S. dollar has spiraled out of control as well. It would give us an opportunity to save our own butts.

George: That’s the best idea I’ve heard yet. Sometimes I wish we’d have been able to push you through. It’s too bad that Blogs against Hillary was such an influential force. You are the real brains of the DNC. Speaking of brains, John, I guess it’s your turn.

John: We can get the bible and all Christian materials removed from the federal libraries because there would be a tax on that word.

Ted: What about all of the other religious books John? Did you ever think of that?

John: Oh, yeah, I forgot. The Muslims would probably pull their funding wouldn’t they? They might even start attacking again!

John: Okay, how about a loophole? We could make it only on the word Go..er..the “G” word so they could keep the Koran and Scientology. We wouldn’t need to mess with the Torah either, since it’s in a different language. So howzat? Eh?

George: Not bad John. It’s good to see you finally say something decisive for a change. Keep it up and you may get a cabinet post, or your medals back. Say, did you ever sign that DD-180 form?

Ted: Okay, here’s my two cents on it.

[Ted gets up to grab his third scotch.]

Ted: We can now get our little fingers on all of those church donations as well as having a tax on the church itself. We could tax them out of existence. They would need a tax for every bible, every reference book, even many of their names would garner more taxes. We could shut em’ down for good.

Ted: Of course, I’m pretty sure that we’ll get some blowback from the Pope on this one. I wouldn’t be surprised if he tried to start a crusade against the U.S. It’s just what we need to get the president reelected. We could spin it like a crusade is just another jihad, only with Christians. Throw up all the numbers for those killed in the crusades and it’s smooth sailing for our man in the White House. After Social Security went under the only way we can get him re-elected is to “wag the dog”.

Soros: Okay guys. I believe that’s all they’ll need to hear. The arms dealers will have a field day selling weapons to people all over the place. Everyone will be happy. Just make sure this gets pushed through. Do that nuclear option thing against a filibuster if you have to, just as long as this gets through. I have to go now guys. I have an interview on Fox’s new Air America program.


Posted by aakaakaak at 02:13 AM | Comments (0)

April 26, 2005

Splitting headache

My apologies to anyone expecting anything functional out of this blog today. My brain is melting due to a nasty headache and the most focus I can muster is to realise that I ain't posted jack-squat all day.

There's a nice piece about Hannity and the ACLU at the border left to be written, but I fear that it may be outdated.

Something I might be able to get done later tonight is a play excerpt featuring the usual DNC suspects in a backdoor meeting on how to destroy God through taxes....yeah, I'll work on that tonight.

Sorry for the offhanded thoughts. I feel stoned...

Posted by aakaakaak at 09:53 PM | Comments (3)

Llama Blogging!...sorda.

Okay, this is NOTALLAMA. This is an alpaca. Llamas are okay and all, but I think I would prefer the alpaca. It seems like everybody's got a llama or two. I want something slightly different. Besides, don't you think alpacas are just a little bit cuter than llamas?


Posted by aakaakaak at 02:38 AM | Comments (4)

South Parkin' it

So Beth over at MVRWC has this South Park character thing goin' on. Here's mine:


Posted by aakaakaak at 01:45 AM | Comments (2)

April 25, 2005

Christ is being Politically Corrected

The P.C. police are at it again. This time God is not the target. Today Christ is under fire. Leave it to the scholars to try and change the wording in our dating system. Yes, the dating system that was designed around Christianity and has been going strong for around 2005 years is under attack.

B.C., or Before Christ has been used since Roman times around the same time Constantine converted to Christianity. Dionysius Exiguus, a monk from Russia who died about 544, was asked by Pope John I to set out the dates for Easter from the years 527 to 626. This is where our current B.C., A.D. system originated. 1,463 years later, in 1990, the P.C. police want to change it to B.C.E. or Before Common Era. They want to push the Son out as well as the Father.

A.D., contrary to popular belief, does not stand for After Death. It means Anno Domini, which is Latin for "in the year of the Lord". It is used to signify the Birth, not the death of Christ. This is the crux of the professorial request to change time. You see, this leaves a lapse of 33 years (due to His lifespan) in history set in limbo. It's missing time to scientists and they just can't leave anything out of place. It's not scientific. The replacement for this, and the time change, is C.E. or Common Era.

I'm rather surprised that they would use this as most professors and scientists will quickly equate CE with the "clear entry" button on the common calculator. Okay, everybody, all together:

Open your MS calculator and see for yourself.

Now that everyone has indulged themselves in taking a peek for yourself, just imagine the fun you could have erasing time...with a simple calculator. Okay, I admit it. That was a lame joke. But isn't trying to change the structure of our dating system a lame joke as well?

Well maybe, maybe not, this push has been going since the early 1990s and is in select books in the New York state curriculum. It isn't really used to any function as of yet, and the state testing still uses the biblical referencing system, but it is trying to make a silent insurgence into our school systems. They’re secretly trying to poison our youth into pushing religion out of our lives.

It hasn't had much success though. Select European countries have made the effort to change time immemorial, but appear to be faltering. Even the politically correct EU is having problems adapting to the new system. Could it be that by simply using the initials you can avoid that nasty religion issue? Could it be that religion in general is refusing the call to atheism? Or could it be that people are already acquainted enough to using the initials that changing the date system is a waste of…umm…time?

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

This post is also available at The Wide Awakes.

Posted by aakaakaak at 11:48 PM | Comments (3)

Pumping Pixels button

Since Patty-Jo's site is complete I thought it appropriate that she get our button. Only problem is...we don't have a button...UNTIL NOW!!!


Okay, anyone designed by me feel free to steal this button! Heck, even if you weren't designed by me feel free to steal it! If need be, treat it like that gnome we ravaged last month during spring break. Don't know what I'm talking about?..heh...man, you missed a good time...

Posted by aakaakaak at 03:35 PM | Comments (0)

April 24, 2005

WHAT have I been doing?

Have you noticed that I haven't been blogging much over the past couple of days?

You want to know why?

1. Updated my link button. The new one is the one with the nuke if you're interested.

2. Joined The Wide Awakes. Had to add all the goodies on my site and get aquainted with the stuff on theirs.

3. From scratch, completely made over Patty-Jo's blog. I mean this thing is SWEET! It's even 800x600 compatible. The banner even changes every 30 seconds. Just about the only thing I didn't do is add some cool rims. Let's just say "I pimped her blog!"

Unfortunately, I don't have her logins right now so I can't put it on her site. Currently, it's waiting to be ported over here: http://theleftrightdebate.blogspot.com

If you are interested in having a blog look that sweet e-mail me. Our price list is up at http://www.pumpingpixels.com. Both myself and Ogre (http://ogresview.blogspot.com) do exellent work.

4. Doing my CIS403 homework right now. I just completed an assignment and have a momen to spare. That's why I'm doing this right now.

5. I need to totally stress out for my job interview tomorrow. Basically one company is taking over part of a contract and we all need to interview for the jobs we're currently doing.

Posted by aakaakaak at 06:27 PM | Comments (11)

WTC to Nuke the Moon

Some persons that regularly visit my site have made mention that the WTC buildings are a bit too much. I have now changed the WTC to something Frank J. could appreciate...if only there were a moon. Most people know me by my nuke so why not put it up?

Now the question looms: should I leave it in color or should I put it in black and white...or sepia?...or should I bring the towers back come hell or high water?

(..and NO, I'm never satisfied with how my blog looks!)

Posted by aakaakaak at 02:42 AM | Comments (8)

April 23, 2005

Button 2


I just did a quick edit of my coney Island button. I think this one is MUCH cooler. Anyone else have any ideas?

Posted by aakaakaak at 10:25 PM | Comments (3)

Are you a racist?

I stole this from Jess @ LOSLI. He scored 5%.

I just couldn't ignore the genetic facts about things. This may sound bad but it's 100% true that blacks were "bred" for certain purposes during slavery. Does it make me more of a racist to understand this? Apparently it did to this test.

You scored 21!

You are generally NOT race-minded, there may be a thing or two that you
see as a race issue, but mostly, you are a very tolerant person!

My test tracked 1 variable How you compared to other people your age and gender:
free online datingfree online dating
You scored higher than 19% on racistpoints
Link: The Are you a racist? Test written by hexlaux88 on Ok Cupid

Posted by aakaakaak at 01:55 PM | Comments (10)

April 22, 2005

A net gain on life

Tran Sient's Watch has done some nice math on the cost of being in Iraq. It turns out, at the worst estimate, we are saving over 430 lives a year. Would anyone care to deabate that saving only ONE life is worth it?

Posted by aakaakaak at 11:40 PM | Comments (2)

The Filibuster Obstruction - Do we Really Need a Nuclear Option?

Government and argument have gone hand in hand for more years than I can count, even if I take off my shoes. It goes all the way back to the second term of the first president, George Washington. In fact, the bi-partisan rhetoric between Hamilton and Jefferson was one of the primary reasons that Washington only served two terms.

By 1796 Washington had had enough. The "spirit of party," which had upset him in 1792, became rampant and rancorous during his second administration; and he was beginning himself to be a prime target of the anti-Hamiltonians. In his Farewell Address, released to the press in September, the first President warned against party strife; he also cautioned the American people against "excessive partiality for one foreign nation and excessive dislike of another." But no one paid any attention (then or now). The development of political parties, which the Constitution-makers had not anticipated, continued apace; and the preference of Jeffersonian Republicans for France and of Hamiltonian Federalists for Britain remained firm and unwavering. The parties continued to disagree violently over domestic and foreign policies alike.

Taken from: Presidential Campaigns by Paul F. Boller, Jr.

Left and right sides on every issue have been going steady since the birth of this great nation. The filibuster has had a likewise story. The next election after Washington heralded a debate between politicians that no one has seen before and probably never will again. It took six days and thirty-six votes in order to determine the new president. This action was the first known filibuster. It was also the first known filibuster-breaker.

The filibuster, as most of you know, is where one side of an issue requests an expansion of discussion on a topic in order to exact a wide range of things. The original intended goal was to bring to light the examination of a certain item that is presented before legislators to vote upon. It has been used as a threat in order to include riders or create other compromises. In some instances it has been used to delay an item to the point that a vote is waved and the vote scrapped. The last is a definition of obstructionism.

The Phil buster-breaker is a method whereby round-the-clock sessions are held in order to force the hand of the minority party into submission. It is more a show of strength and determination by the leading party. If there is a will to sally forth on a vote then there may be the ability to create a filibuster-breaker. Many times senators and congressmen just don't want to deal with the hassle. This is why we're debating the nuclear option today. I believe Robert Novak sums it up best in this quote:

After early skepticism, I have come to agree with Frist's conclusion that the old-fashioned filibuster-breaker of round-the-clock sessions is a non-starter. Today's Republican senators lack the will to undergo this ordeal. They would have to maintain a heavy presence on the floor while a single Democrat could hold forth.

So it appears that it might not the democratic attempt at obstructionism that may be the problem. It could feasibly be simple laziness on the part of the GOP. Is it that the GOP is lazier than the DNC? Could the conservative party have fattened up on pork bellies to the point that they can no longer compete with the lean liberals? Well, no. That's a complete misnomer. The Democrats have instituted the nuclear option several times:
This is the so-called "nuclear option" that creates fear and loathing among Democrats and weak knees for some Republicans, including conservative opinion leaders. Ever since Frist publicly embraced the nuclear option, he has been accused of abusing the Senate's cherished tradition of extended debate. In truth, during six years as majority leader, Democrat Robert C. Byrd four times detonated the nuclear option to rewrite Senate rules.

Yes, that's right folks. Everybody's favorite KKK Kleagle turned Democrat has used this option several times. It's nothing new to be changing the way government runs. In fact, the government was designed to be a flexible entity in service of the people. It is supposed to, and does, evolve.

Even though we can completely justify changing the rules I am still drawn back to something: "Today's Republican senators lack the will to undergo this ordeal." So is the reason we're doing this because they, the GOP refuse to go into extra innings in support of democracy. I believe this is rather sad, but true.

There is still hope in one concept. It would force the hand of those usurping their power to filibuster but retain the heart and soul of the idea. As things stand today you can pretty much talk about whatever you want during a filibuster. Things such as children's books are read in order to keep the floor on one side of the house or another. This does absolutely nothing for America except create a delay. This is where filibustering becomes obstructionism.

To me it would seem obvious that this is the change we need. We do not need to get rid of the filibuster. We need to focus the filibuster and make it so only the subject at hand is involved. We don't need to make it ruthlessly so. We only need to guide it. related subjects would be allowed. I'd even go as far as to allow this scenario:

Delay: The chair recognizes DaschleMr. Thune (heh). Mr. Thune you have ten minutes.
Thune: Thank-you Mr. Speaker. Due to the continued discussion on the topic I believe it in everyone's best interest that we order some Chinese. I have taken the liberty of printing off 70 copies of Number 1 Chinese on 32nd street. All those interested please fill out the menu and hand it to my aide who will be making the run. Be advised that they are Atkins friendly and use no MSG. I would now like to pass my remaining time to Senator Gonzales...

You see, there's no need to be ruthlessly strict about it, but there would need to be limitations. No Dick and Jane books. No reading of romance novels. Can we please just stick to the task at hand people?

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

Posted by aakaakaak at 10:21 PM | Comments (0)

April 21, 2005

A 10 sided die

This stupid little quizlet was ruthlessly plundered from Pirate's Cove.

I am a d10

Take the quiz at dicepool.com

Posted by aakaakaak at 05:40 PM | Comments (3)

New button

I had a free minute and was in the mood. If you want here's my button to link to me with.


I may make another one if people think this one isn't quite adequate. It sort of looks like the Coney Island version to me. Not bad for a quick MS Paint job.

Posted by aakaakaak at 01:56 AM | Comments (1)

New music

Here's "Beliefs" from Devil With Cheese. Unlike some of the other indie bands I have showcased the entire album appears to rock. I mean really rock. I mean head bangin', slam dancin' rock. This is not a soft and friendly album.

As always, found on CD Street.

Posted by aakaakaak at 01:10 AM | Comments (0)

April 20, 2005

Images of hope 25


050314-N-8796S-019 Banda Aceh, Sumatra, Indonesia (Mar. 14 2005) - An Indonesian girl holds her little brother and a donated stuffed animal after returning to Abizad Hospital in Banda Aceh, Indonesia, from the Military Sealift Command (MSC) hospital ship USNS Mercy (T-AH 19) for follow up treatment. She is one of the last patients to return to home soil following an operation on the ship to amputate her left leg. Mercy is serving as an enabling platform to assist humanitarian operations ashore in ways that host nations and international relief organization find useful. Mercy is currently off the waters of Indonesia in support of Operation Unified Assistance, the humanitarian relief effort to aid the victims of the tsunami that struck Southeast Asia. U.S. Navy photo by Photographer's Mate 2nd Class Timothy Smith (RELEASED)

Derived from HERE.

UPDATE: At Jay's request here is the page the almighty Google made as a Tsunami Relief information and aid directory: LINK

Posted by aakaakaak at 10:15 PM | Comments (2)

Man arrested for spitting on Fonda

Kansas City, MO

Fonda, 67, spoke at Unity Temple on The Plaza about her new book, "My Life So Far," and her new movie with Jennifer Lopez called "Monster-In-Law."At about 9 p.m. (Tuesday Night), police said a man who had been waiting in line for about 90 minutes, passed a book to Fonda and then spit a large amount of tobacco juice into her face.

So the guy waited in line for an hour and a half just for the pleasure of spitting a wad of chew on Hanoi Jane. Michael A. Smith, 54, was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct, which is a city charge. Fonda has declined to file charges against the man.

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

Posted by aakaakaak at 05:37 PM | Comments (7)

The ACLU against The Minuteman Project

Even prior to April first the Minuteman project had become a smashing success. They mobilized Arizona immigration officials into awareness of their presence. They mobilized thousands of people into volunteering their time and money to hold a functional protest on border security. They stirred to ACLU into wild accusations that held no water. They even frightened the Mexican military into defending their borders from a potential American attack.

It is the ACLU though, that has created problems. They have continually harassed the Minutemen on several occasions and are potentially guilty of assault and harassment as well as aiding illegal immigration, if reports ring true. Take this statement by one of the minutemen as this local club reports:

The ACLU is getting desperate to get something on the Minutemen and are trying to provoke incidents now. They pushed one of the Minutemen the other night trying to get him to push back. Didn’t work. Then last night they walked up and shined a spotlight right in a Minuteman’s face from six inches or so away. Didn’t work that time either. We immediately report these types of contacts with them to the Sheriff to counter any claims they try to make against us. They should be called the UCLU (Un-American Civil Lawsuit Union)

They give us the middle finger every chance they get to try to get us to react. We are still trying to figure out if that is their age or IQ.

- te

More disturbing than that is the statements made by Grey Deacon a Minuteman spokesman:

"The ACLU's position is that illegal aliens have a right to enter our border and stay in this country as long as they want," said Deacon. "That's what one of the leaders of the group told me personally."
If this is the full stance of the ACLU, they may actually be encouraging a system that weakens our national security through means that are being touted as the biggest hole in homeland security America has.

The ACLU has been rather quick to jump the gun on reports of abuses. The image of an illegal alien holding up a tee shirt was immediately pounced on with absolutely no research into what had acutally happened. They had condemned the Minuteman project before the truth had been discovered. The reports were proven false by way of video footage provided to the local authorities by the individual being accused by the ACLU. In fact, the illegal alien pictured was donated water and money before this picture was taken.

It reads: "Bryan Barton caught me crossing the border and all I got was this lousy T-shirt."

This event has become what may be considered a free-for-all with ACLU legal observers. This Tuesday, the 19th of April some pictures were taken of some of these observers allegedly smoking marijuana. Some of the minutemen have reported seeing and smelling the incidents.

Another Journalist (Michelle Malkin)has reported that the local authorities have been informed but it is unlikely that any action will be taken.

Images of the incident have been distributed for analysis:



It has been observed that "roll your own" cigarettes, popular in some areas, are normally not "closed-end" cigarettes and resemble normal non-filtered cigarettes. Others have observed that the female in the picture is "puffing awfully hard" for a tobacco cigarette. None of this, however, provides direct evidence of unlawful narcotics usage and provides no actionable evidence.

As a clarification to the one arrest of an Army reservist illegally holding aliens at gunpoint, the individual has been proven to be outside of the Minuteman project. The Arizona local has no ties to the group and is being held on seven counts of aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

Due to the success of the project, the Minuteman Project will cease its operations 2PM Wednesday the 20th and take it's phenomenal success to Washington, D.C. The effort, however, will not be disbanded. It will continue under the Civil Homeland Defense organization until at least the end of April. It may go longer if enough support for the project is received.

If you would like to donate or volunteer to stand watch for the Minuteman Project you can contact the Civil Homeland Defense organization. They have been given control of the Minuteman Project and are encouraging expansion of the project past the immediate area of Cochise county and Arizona to other states including those that border Canada.

This post is also available at Blogger News Network.

Posted by aakaakaak at 02:14 AM | Comments (4)

April 19, 2005


Teach has hooked me up with the If I were a... meme that he picked up from Ogre who got it from..HEY! he started it! We actually know the source of a meme! YAY!

If I could be a linguist...I would learn all of the biblical languages like Hebrew, Assyrian and Greek so I could understand the word of God in its original form. I would scour the ancient texts and be locked away for many years in places like The Vatican and Mecca (Yes, ALL the historical texts.). After many years of study at the cost of friends, family and health I would emerge from my crypt of texts to bring peace to the warring religions. Things would begin to come together. I would speak at a huge congregation of the top Cardinals, Imams and Manhigut (Jewish leaders) and would be on the brink of creating an alliance for peace and prosperity. As with any great leader that can bring about change for good I would end up getting shot and killed by someone who didn't want to change. (We are doomed to repeat history, aren't we?)

If I could be a lawyer...I would want to be an activist judge. I wouldn't be in the side that the news is pushing these days. Nope, not me. I'd give back the Ten Commandments. Religion (as a whole, not just one) would be a required school in class so we can really learn about our brothers and sisters in different faiths instead of fight with them. Pedophelia would be reclassified as a murder of childhood and life sentences would be allowed. And last but not least, Micro$oft would be declared a monopoly, their code would be opened up to public dissemination, and each of their tools would be broken up into different companies.

If I could be a librarian... I would read all about...HELL no! I would do librarians! C'mon, librarians are H.O.T. HOT!

If I could be an architect...I would design homes. I wouldn't just stop with one or two basic cookie cutter ideas for suburban cookie cutter homes. I'd design homes for the masses. I'd make like 100 completely different basic model styles instead of the three or four you seem to get these days. By flooding the market with fresh ideas other designers would be forced to follow suit. Eventually even townhomes would be uniquely individual on both the inside and outside. Every home design would be unique to that individual home. Finally you could tell which home was yours by style instead of color or mailbox. You would have something besides a generic box.

If I could be a writer...I would be doing exactly what I'm doing right now. That's what a blogger is; a writer. We're all writers. Some of us write books, others are journalists, some are activists or politicians or mothers, fathers or a combination of all or none of these. Above all, we're all writers here. We're putting our thoughts on digital paper and being seen by people we've never met. Our views and ideas are influencing those around us, everyone who reads us. We all have our own little newspaper that we're peddling to anyone who will listen. We are being heard. I AM a writer.

So here's how it works. Immediately following there is a list of 18 19 20 different occupations. You must select at least 5 of them (feel free to select more). You may add more if you like to your list before you pass it on (after you select 5 of the items as it was passed to you). Each one begins with "If I could be..." Of the 5 you selected, you are to finish each phrase with what you would do as a member of that profession.

Once you're done you point this meme at three (three) people you think will be cool with putting in a good two cents on it. Remember your trackbacks and links. Don't forget to add a profession to the end of the list with a link to your meme!

If I could be a scientist...
If I could be a farmer...
If I could be a musician...
If I could be a doctor...
If I could be a painter...
If I could be a gardener...
If I could be a missionary...
If I could be a chef...
If I could be an architect...
If I could be a linguist...
If I could be a psychologist...
If I could be a librarian...
If I could be an athlete...
If I could be a lawyer...
If I could be an innkeeper...
If I could be a professor...
If I could be a writer...
If I could be a llama-rider... (by Ogre)
If I could be a bonnie pirate... (By Teach)
If I could be a servicemember... (By Jeremy)

Okay, now comes the three unsuspecting victims: Sonstress7 because she seems to run out of things to write about. Billy Budd because I forgot to pick him up on the last meme. Jin because I think she's a cool blogger and this is my way of trying to showcase her.

Posted by aakaakaak at 03:51 AM | Comments (12)

April 18, 2005

Nerdy quiz thingie

I am nerdier than 88% of all people. Are you nerdier? Click here to find out!

Did anyone have any doubts?

UPDATE: My supervisor just took this quiz: 99% He is a geek GOD!

Posted by aakaakaak at 03:50 PM | Comments (8)

Random thoughts on the media

If you've spent any time watching the news you will notice that a lound, boisterous demonstration will get press faster than a well organized and polite one. They will glom onto a story on the remote chance the national guard needs to be called in or someone gets trampled to death.

We saw it with the 2004 elections. By every tactic that the media understood John F. Kerry should have won the election. The majority of the media outlets were giving him more favorable coverage. His supporters were getting in the news much more often than Dubya's. By all accounts of how the media deciphers things Kerry should have won it. What went wrong? The squeaky wheel got the oil. Media overestimated the poer of those with big, noisy, revolutionary mouths. They forgot that not everyone is an activist, some people actually work for a living.

The media will put politics in a ploar opposite light much more quickly than it will actually start a functional discussion. Everything that political commentary has to offer is either a right or a left issue. They've even formulated it that way. Crossfire and Hannity and Colmes are two primary examples. It's turned into a recognized format. Take a lefty and a righty and get them to yell at each other Jerry Springer style. It has gotten so bad that political comedian Jon Stewart went on Crossfire to explain how they were "hurting America".

One show I have found to be worth while comes on at odd hours on the weekend, called Fox News Watch with about five rather intelligent people actually discussing issues instead of fighting each other. They don't usually come to any specific agreement about things but you can at least get a better idea of the points of things than a he said - she said.

Something equally as polar has, and probably always will be, the rights to life or death. One side calls itself "choice" and the other life or death. It gets heated and somehow those that don't believe either side completely are pushed out of the picture. People push the "godly against the godless" meme into the picture and things get polarized back to Democrat vs. Republican again. I guess my theory of finding some middleground on some issues is inconcievable and not newsworthy.

Another polarizing issue is the military. If one servicemember does something wrong, or if a bad local policy is pushed through, or something gets out of hand it is always either Bush or Rumsfeld's fault directly. This article is not about debating that point. Others will do that. It turns out that this is a polarizing issue as well. I guess facts about things don't matter as long as you can stir up people's dander.

Today I watched a news story that shouldn't fit any of these categories but since it's real news that can't be ignored they are trying. Today all of the televisions in the world are watching a smokestack. Would it be black or white smoke? That wasn't the real issue they were trying to make though. The real issue was what kind of pope was going to be elected: a progressive or a conservative one.

By the way, we had black smoke. No decision today.


Crossposted at BNN

Posted by aakaakaak at 03:10 PM | Comments (5)

New Indie Music

I just changed the song to a new one. It's My Brother Moves by Production Club. They're a techno/rave group that has some nice style. Go check them out.


I found a song for Teach over at Pirate's Cove as well. Here's I Wish I Were A Pirate by Ukulele Man!

(and happy 40,000 hits Teach!)

Posted by aakaakaak at 12:08 AM | Comments (1)

April 17, 2005

Social Security - The Democratic Answer, or Lack Thereof

A few short weeks ago I went to a town hall meeting on social security in Seattle, WA. Barbara Boxer was supposed to be on the bill but didn't show up for some reason. I'm sure she had other pressing matters, like gloating over how Christine Gregoire won the Governorship. I was really interested to find out if the Democrats had a real plan for what to do about our failing social security system.

Instead of Boxer there were a few other female senators from various states to tell us that George W. Bush is evil. Yep, that's right, EEEEvil. His diabolical scheme to destroy America goes directly through social security and he even stole the most recent election. At least that's what these senators talked about. Would they lie to us?

I sat for several hours in the "hate-Bush" rhetoric without hearing a solution to anything. They even contradicted their own party by stating that "there is NO problem" with social security, even though the propaganda banner behind them said to "Fix it! Don't nix it!"

I think the funniest part was when they were pulling numbers directly from dark orifices. The cost they stated Bush gave them for the private account change started at one trillion but quickly moved all the way up to three. Funny, I don't believe Bush gave anyone any numbers? The other big number fudge was the one third that was quoted by Bush turned into one half or more. Hrm...maybe that professor guy was right about women and math. (Okay, okay, before I get slain I take it back. It was a cheap shot at some dim Dems. There's nothing against women.)

Okay, it's not entirely true to say that they had no solution. They did have a solution in the form of an metaphor: If you have a slow leak in the tire hou don't replace the car, you just patch the tire. Gee, thanks. Your whole solution for social security is to patch a tire? Here, let me counter your metaphor with one of my own: If the engine starts running on two instead of all eight cylinders all the fix-a-flat in the world isn't going to help you.

So, I'm still waiting for a viable solution from the Democratic party. Krugman quotes will get you thrown in the gulag and Newsweek isn't much better. Give us some viable options other than "Bush is EEEEvil".

Posted by aakaakaak at 08:10 PM | Comments (12)

Skype 2

I'm in the middle of this incredible congersation with Scott from Speed of thought.... He's blogging at the same time I'm blogging. We're both doing it over Skype!. It's just some crazy stuff!

Somebody remind me to blogroll this guy!

Posted by aakaakaak at 03:07 AM | Comments (4)


Alright, I've been sitting on Skype for way too long and no one in the blogsphere knows what the hell it is. Skype is a completely free method of talking to other people that are online. It works through some distibuted mumbo-jumbo that you really don't need to know about to use it. Just imagine crystal clear voice, text chat, and data transfers fo free. That's what Skype is all about.

If you don't believe me try it out for yourself. You can contact me here: jhbol1

Posted by aakaakaak at 01:38 AM | Comments (0)

April 16, 2005

Template complete

Well, I believe the template is complete. The new header is in, all the sidebar stuff is good. All the links are linking. Before I get out of my designing mood does anyone have anything they would like to see up here?

Posted by aakaakaak at 08:24 PM | Comments (7)

The death of a Moonbat

Being the eternal optimist, I was hoping that the moonbat syndrome had subsided from my past indescretions. Boy was I wrong. The whole time I've been laying low they've been foaming at the mouth. You know, you just can't get away from these people. They hound you like a little kid brother that was told the world is flat once so your declaration that the world is round brings about false declarations of you being terminally wrong.

A couple of days ago I put up an image of George W. Bush handing out the first medal of honor in the ongoing effort in Iraq. I called it an image of hope. I considered it so because the individual being honored had done something of extreme valor and was being honored with the highest honor a hero can be awarded. It gave me hope to see someone that would go that far above and beyond to do his duty in saving the lives of others. It gave me hope.

What some people failed to see past was that this particular medal of honor was given posthumously. Apparently if someone dies then all of his deeds no longer matter because he is dead. Does that mean the 3,000 lives of those killed in the World Trade Center mean nothing? Of course it does, they're little Eichmans after all. Apparently, some people will dwell on death as a person's only act and ignore anything else that has happened in their life.

Maybe I'm wrong about this. Is someone's valor nullified if they lose their life in the process? Is it nobler to stand by and watch as your comrades get shot just so that you may live? Apparently, some people think so.

UPDATE: Should I put up images of rage so the moonbats can tell the difference? Another series like Images of hope?

Posted by aakaakaak at 01:07 PM | Comments (13)

April 14, 2005

Dude, God WANTED you to get caught!


Let's set the scene here:

The sun is out. It's just a little cloudy but that doesn't always mean anything. Unfortunately, today it does. The weather gets a bit rough, but no harm, no foul. You continue to go about your work and find out from the news that a tornado has just ripped through your neck of the woods, destroying your home.

While you're at work calling FEMA and a hotel the rescue crews are rumaging through the wreckage and come across what's left of your home. Instead of continuing on they call the police. The police come, not to your house but to your workplace. They cuff you and put you behind bars.

The operation had lamps, hydroponic equipment and log books. Fifty-four marijuana plants neatly arranged in the master bedroom had a street value of about $8,000, authorities said.

The operation was uncovered in February after a twister, with winds whipping up to 112 mph, tore away Crook's roof.

Palm Bay police and other emergency crews were searching through the debris for injured victims when they came across the 2- to 3-foot plants. Crook was not at home during the storm.

Dude, God WANTED you to get caught!

Posted by aakaakaak at 11:17 PM | Comments (7)

Images of hope 24


by Staff Sgt. Reeba Critser

April 5, 2005

President George W. Bush presents the Medal of Honor (posthumous) to Sgt. 1st Class Paul R. Smith’s family—(from left) daughter Jessica, 18; wife, Birgit; and son David, 11—at the White House, Apr. 4. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.

This is the first medal of honor to be given out since 03 October, 1993. Two were given during Somalia to Randall D. Shughart and Gary I. Gordon. For more on the medal of honor you can go HERE.

Posted by aakaakaak at 02:48 AM | Comments (4)

Migrant bloggers

Wondering why I'm not doing much?

I've been migrating my posts from blogger. Here is my current status:

Aug 2004 - Completed. Go reminisce.
Sep 2004 - Completed. Go reminisce.
Oct 2004 - In Progress
Nov 2004
Dec 2004
Jan 2005
Feb 2005
Mar 2005
Apr 2005

It'll all get here. It's just a matter of time.

Posted by aakaakaak at 01:19 AM | Comments (9)

April 13, 2005

A headline just waiting to happen

It appears CNN had some headline fun today. I can't blame them. It was just so easy. Okay, here's the header paragraph:

WASHINGTON (AP) -- In a surprising turnaround, federal health advisers Wednesday recommended allowing silicone-gel breast implants to return to the U.S. market after a 13-year ban on most uses of the devices -- but only under strict conditions that will limit how easily women can get them.

Okay, now the fun part. Which one of these was the headline. The answer will be below the fold:

1) FDA panel recommends lifting implant ban
2) Implant ban could be lifted -- but face strict conditions
3) Suprise Shift - FDA backs lifting silicone breast implant ban
4) Panel supports silicone implant maker
5) FDA nixes silicone implant expansion
6) Second firm seeks to lift silicone implant ban

1) FDA panel recommends lifting implant ban - AP story
2) Implant ban could be lifted -- but face strict conditions - CNN
3) Suprise Shift - FDA backs lifting silicone breast implant ban - MSNBC
4) Panel supports silicone implant maker - CBC
5) FDA nixes silicone implant expansion - New Kerala, India
6) Second firm seeks to lift silicone implant ban - MSNBC

I'm sure if we racked our brains we could lift a few plugs from somewhere. I'm sure it would be an uplifting experience that could expand into an entire meme. Just let me know if this post has become a bit too superficial for your liking.

(Okay, I'm being childish. Let me have my moment!)

Posted by aakaakaak at 10:49 PM | Comments (0)

Images of hope 23


by John M. Foster

April 6, 2005

Physician’s assistant Tom Lewandowski, from Company C, 205th Army Medical Battalion, provides care to an El Salvadoran during a medical assistance visit to San Vicente. This photo appeared on www.army.mil.

So you mean to tell me we're doing something besides die in Iraq? We have time to check the teeth of kids in El Salvador!?! This must be Rupublican propaganda. There's no way this can me real! There's going to be a draft, it can't be real! (No, I'm not serious.)

Just throwing another piece of American service out there.


Posted by aakaakaak at 03:37 AM | Comments (5)

April 12, 2005

Moving day!

Well, as you can see I'm moving in. I have all of the boxes packed up in a dozen or so rooms. I haven't even called the phone company to have my service switched over yet.

Alright, it's not quite pretty yet. At least you can see the design idea a bit more. One I get going on photoshop later in the week all of the choppy white stuff will be replaces with the background you see everywhere else.

Eventually, I'll even be putting a SGT. Rock fade in at the end of the smoke, but I'm going to try and get everything perdified.

For those that insist on 800x600 viewing size your going to be out of luck. I could do it by making the article part flexible, like on my old site, but it would end up giving you like two words per line. My suggestion to you is to buy a good pair of reading glasses or but a mouse with left and right scroll as well as up and down. as always, if anyone has any suggestions I'm always listening.

P.S. By the end of the week I'll have gone past 20,000 hits! YAY!

Posted by aakaakaak at 11:48 PM | Comments (10)

April 07, 2005

Another fine MuNu Blog

Well, this is my first entry as a munuvanian. I shall be porting things over and making with the pretiness soon. Until then, go back to my regular site and wait for me. LINK

Posted by aakaakaak at 05:10 PM | Comments (8)